Design-based research projects are strongly anchored in the discipline and institutional contexts, but also benefit from interdisciplinary and intercontextual exchange. The events (colloquia, symposia, write-ins) and publications (EDeR special issues) of the scientific network “Design-Based Research as a Methodological Framework in Educational Research” (DBR network) to date have shown us that we can meaningfully discuss concepts, challenges, and results together, even though we work in different subjects, on different educational contexts, and in different countries. 

In addition, the discussion on DBR requirements and standards benefits from various case studies and perspectives. We want to build on previous experience and achievements and give attention to current DBR projects of all disciplines and institutional contexts. Researchers working in DBR (especially early career researchers like PhD students and postdocs) are invited to present their projects and discuss them with colleagues and DBR experts to get impulses for reflection and improvement. Presentations should focus on the individual projects and their challenges. Given the diverse group of participants, it makes sense to consider DBR-specific issues in particular, for example:

  • What exactly is being designed to achieve which goals?
  • What overarching question guides the DBR process? What sub-questions are currently arising?
  • What are the conjectures behind the design?
  • How is the design theoretically anchored?
  • What about the design process is systematic and how does it develop its own dynamic?
  • How is the collaboration between research and practice structured?
  • Which methods are suitable and how are they adapted for the project?
  •  How is the process structured to identify risks early?
  •  What theoretical contribution could the project make?

In order to support an intensive discussion and project development, the colloquium consists of three phases: (1) the preparation and production of video presentations including feedback opportunity (a member of the DBR network offers individual feedback during preparation), (2) video commenting, and (3) a final event (video conference with keynote and all participants).

If you would like to participate, send your abstract (500 words max.) by November 12 to State clearly what your project is about, where you are in the process, and what questions you expect to discuss. Please also indicate if you would like to receive feedback from a member of the DBR network during the preparation of your presentation.


Call for abstractsSeptember 30, 2023
Submission of abstracts untilNovember 12, 2023
Invitations untilNovember 20, 2023
Colloquium stage 1: feedback (optional), preparation and production of video presentationsNovember 20, 2023 to January 24, 2024
Colloquium stage 2: commenting on video presentationsJanuary 25 to February 8, 2024
Colloquium stage 3: video conferenceFebruary 9, 2024